Adventure Time - BMO ㅤㅤㅤAICE ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤMedia Blog: Importing

Saturday, April 1, 2023


     Earlier this week I began my editing process. Since I shot everything in cinematic mode, I was able to change the focus and focal length in post production. Prior to importing my files onto my computer, I went back through each of my shots and changed the placement of the focus. I wanted to make sure that all the shots had Mauricio in focus. I also made one focus shift in the scene where Mauricio was teaching. It shifted focus from the students to Mauricio demonstrating the move. I am really glad I went back and changed where the focus was in my shots, a lot of them were focused poorly.

    After situating all the focus in all of the shots, I had to figure out a way to import the clips onto my computer. For some reason when I would connect my phone to my computer it wouldn't show up. I tried troubleshooting the issue and concluded that my cable wasn't able to connect to my pc. I was using a usb-c to a lighting instead of a usb to lighting. The usb-c cable would only allow me to charge my phone on my pc. So because of this hurdle, I decided that I would use Dropbox to transfer all of my clips. With some of the smaller clips this wasn't difficult at all, but the larger files too so long to process. I found myself sitting waiting for them to upload for hours. Eventually, they all processed and I was able to organize the shots into my editing folder. I also found which sounds I would be using for the production. I will discuss the sound effects and music in my next post!

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